Lab 6.2.1 - Analysis
(a) (i) True, a pulse is created as energy is transferred from the hand to the spring. A moving pulse is the evidence of energy moving along the spring.
(ii) False, the particles of the springs are not transferred as energy is. Instead, particles of the spring only vibrate back and forth as energy passes through the section. Thus, a pulse is created.
(b) (i) when the spring is stretched, time increases as the length is increased. However, the overall speed of the pulse does not change.
(ii) The speed does not change when the amplitude of the pulse increases. Refer to data above in procedure #7.
(iii) The speed does not change in the reflected pulse compared to the incident pulse. Refer to data above in procedure #6.
(c) (i) The reflected pulse is on the opposite side of the incident pulse in an fixed-end reflection. Therefore, it is out of phase.
(ii) During a free-end reflection, the pulse switches side at the start of each cycle. Nonetheless, the initial and reflected pulses are on the same side throughout the cycle. Therefore, they are in phase.